Friday, November 18, 2011

Eating Fall

I ate the perfect taste of Fall today for lunch.  But only because my dear friend is awesome.  She brought me something scrumptious last night and I've been enjoying it ever since.

See this bread?  It is Cinnamon Swirl Raisin Bread.  She made it using raisins that are made from grapes she picked and dried.  It has walnuts in it that she collected and shelled.  And it's made with wheat she grew and harvested.  Okay, maybe she didn't grow the wheat . . . but she did grind it!
 Now look at this:
 Homemade Apple Pear Butter that she also made.  Yes, from fresh fruits she hand picked.  I told you she was awesome.  I'm also telling you how GOOD this tasted spread on her bread when toasted. 
It smells and tastes the way Fall should.  This and the pumpkin pie crunch you see below.  F A L L!  Next year, I might have to make her teach me her tricks to making Apple Pear Butter.  I'm slightly hooked.

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