Sunday, August 1, 2010

Day 213

Straight from Switzerland


Raelynn said...

Wow. I like your pic, Rachel. I appreciate it even more now.

Where'd you get the chocolates?

Lourie said...

Oh it would be hard, but I would have to only eat one a day so that they would last longer.

laura d said...

oooooooh those look so good!! Someday when we all have lots of money, we need to do a world-tour sorta deal. We can collect chocolate and a few pounds along the way.

Emmy said...

Yeah I am jealous

Mimi said...

We had to baby-love those all the way home in a cooler so they wouldn't be melted when we arrived. You should have seen all the people on the bus in that shop because they have sample bags open for each kind of chocolate and people literally just went down the row trying each one. I had to laugh that night at dinner because Don said he had such a headache. When we asked him why, he told us he ate too many chocolates.